Παρασκευή 18 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Il Pulcino Pio - Tweets (A DSP and image engineering to sound engineering)

Hello there guyz!

This is a fancy hack from an old idea that a friend of mine had. We started playing around this idea when we were at high school. My good friend and I began about 12 years and today having an engineering background I advanced it by also giving a funky tone..
So, let's see what is this about by having engineering lesson that are FUN :-)

See the video to get the idea:

Generally the software we developed is useless, it's only for fun, but you never know... maybe someone will find it other than amusing a great tool for productions :-P

In order to understand it you have to know the basics of:
1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Programming (any language)
4. A bit of Sound Engineering
5. Time for hacking!

You may also read these:

And these:

Finally, download GoldWave to test it:

Now, lets go for it...

This software is tweeting aka transmitting - playing - sound files which were previously engineered in a way that Capital letters and numbers can be seen into a spectrum analyzer.

The idea behind the process is simple yet smart. A properly modulated, in amplitude and frequency, signal can be propagated in time and space in a way that we can depict it in a spectrum analyzer. But, although the idea is easy we have somehow to make this tiny wave to have the wideness that the human eye can see. So, for every pixel of the character we transmit we add many waves on top of each other and voila! We can choose an effective frequency range and have the results.
In our example for instance, all the words can be depicted in the range of 3500Hz - 4200Hz.
In order to see the messages you have to configure Gold Wave's spectum analyzer range to the above range and start a recording or monitoring. 
Now, if you "Tweet" with Il Pulcino Pio you will see in the spectrum analyzer your message. 

Enjoy after downloading the file!

If an error occurs make sure you have the "MSVBVM50.DLL" in your system. 
If not, download it from the Internet.

Greetings to my old friend P. Gasteratos (we developed a crazy thing... But I like crazy things. Hehehe...)

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